
Best Execution Solution Demo

RegTech in Action

See Our RegTech in Action

ACA’s ComplianceAlpha® Best Execution Solution helps investment advisers meet their obligation to seek Best Execution of their clients’ trade orders by evaluating the cost and quality of services received from all their broker-dealers.

Our solution provides a framework to streamline your Best Execution review, evaluating the cost and quality of services received from all their broker-dealers. It then pulls both the quantitative and qualitative information together into a Best Execution report. This empowers you to quickly identify potential conflicts of interest, as well as to review Best Execution factors, such as Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA), broker surveys, conflicts of interest, soft dollar arrangements, and other agreements.

Watch our Best Execution Demo, part of our RegTech in Action series, to learn how you can use our solution to centralize and streamline your fiduciary duty.

Key features include:

  • Workbench – A repository of tasks in a sequential order according to ACA’s best practices on how and what to do to create a compliant Best Execution review.
  • Survey Manager – A flow to create custom broker surveys and manage the results.
  • Quantitative – Full TCA KPIs and other metrics to compare to surveys and other noted brokerrelated activities.
  • Items of Interest – Identification of relevant outliers during the Best Execution review.
  • Flexibility – Configurations for the Workbench, Broker List, and Survey Manager templates.


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