It’s hard to believe it has been over ten years since the inception of NASD Rule 3012 (n/k/a FINRA Rule 3120). The requirements under this rule shook broker-dealers at the core when they first were issued. As you may recall, the Rule mandates FINRA member broker-dealers to test the effectiveness of their supervisory system at least annually, and report any significant exceptions to the firm’s senior management. Basically, a firm’s processes are tested against their procedures, and a determination is made if there are gaps, and if so, what needs to be changed – the firm’s process or their procedures. An eye should always be kept during the testing to determine both processes and procedures are up to date with all current regulations.
What exactly does this mean for broker-dealers? Over the last ten years most firms have developed a system and practice for this testing and documentation; however, some still question annually if they are “doing it right”. As in most FINRA compliance practices, a good place to begin is with the standard “Who, What, When, Where, Why and How” questions to make certain everything is covered adequately. Let’s go over the basics…
WHO is required to do this, and who does this testing?
WHAT should be tested?
WHEN should this testing be conducted?
WHERE is this conducted?
WHY conduct this testing?
HOW is this testing best conducted to be compliant with the Rule?
Once the designated principal has presented the 3120 Report to senior management, the CEO (or equivalent officer) must complete a compliance and supervision certification and a report, required under FINRA Rule 3130. This report is different from that required under Rule 3120. The purpose of the 3130 Report is to identify the processes a firm follows to ensure the firm’s policies and procedures under FINRA Rule 3110 are kept current, and that the firm adopts the Supervisory Control Procedures required under FINRA Rule 3120.
The annual certification states that the firm has the necessary processes in place to establish, maintain, review, test and modify its supervisory policies and procedures, and that the CEO (or equivalent officer) has met with the CCO at least once during the preceding 12 months to discuss the firm’s supervisory controls. This certification must be completed at least annually, on or before the anniversary date of the prior year’s certification.
While the Rule numbers changed during the FINRA Rule synchronization process, the basics of the testing requirements remain the same.
NCS Regulatory Compliance is committed to helping firms comply with the testing and certification requirements set forth in these rules. To learn how we can assist your firm in meeting these requirements, please contact your NCS Regulatory Compliance consultant directly, or one of the compliance specialists at NCS Regulatory Compliance at 800-800-3204.